PADARC Membership
New members are always welcome!
To express your interest in becoming a member please contact our Committee.
Membership application forms are linked below, once you have read, understood and signed please return to;
Treasurer PADARC
PO Box 488
Portland Vic 3305.
or email to
Cheque or Money Order made payable to:
Portland & District Adult Riding Club Inc.
Electronic Funds Transfer or Direct Deposit:
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Portland & District Adult Riding Club Inc.
BSB: 063 536
Account Number: 0010 6771
** Please use your surname as a description for your EFT deposit
so we are able to marry your payment with your form.
** Please add your EFT deposit receipt number, attach your cheque/money order or copy of bank deposit receipt to your membership application form.
(It is essential that you make verbal contact with one of our executive committee to finalize this process.)
Alternatively, you can also join at any monthly Rally.
2019/20 Membership Fees are:
Adult $170
Junior (Up to 18 years) $120
Non-riding/Associate $50
Please click the Membership Form link below to
see Membership Form.
Membership fees are due annually on the 1st November. Membership fees mostly go towards your insurance. You will also receive a membership card which is issued to all members; even those not intending to compete in HRCAV competition.
Copyright PADARC 2015